100 days to offload

Responding to You


It's so strange how my past relationships were with people who I didn't particularly get along with. And I don't mean that I fought with them often. I mean that conversation was just hard with them. Conversation is hard for me with anyone, honestly. I can count on one hand the number of people that I consistently had good conversations with.

One of those people was friends with my ex. I wondered why it was so easy for me to talk to them but not my ex. I realized it was because my ex's friend was curious. They asked me questions to get the conversation started and it went on from there.

I brought this up to my ex. Maybe they could start asking me more questions and then I would talk more. The most bizzare thing is that they refused my request. They wanted me to be able to say things out of my own volition. Essentially what he said was, "I don't think I should need to do that. I'll wait for you until you want to say something."

This disappointed me. It's so hard for me conjure conversation topics just out of the thin air. I wasn't joking when I told him I needed something to respond to. Obviously, this guy is an ex for a reason.

This post that you are reading right now is also a response to something. Not all things I respond to is external. Sometimes it's just me responding to my own thoughts. What triggered this response was me realizing that I was falling fast for someone.

I was falling for someone who I can easily talk to. It's a first for me in a very long time. I suddenly feel like my voice is coming out for once. I kinda wrote about it before here. I do feel embarassed sometimes after talking to this person. But this feeling is so new to me that I can't quite seem to stop wanting to talk to them.

What I think sets this person apart from other people I've talked to is that they always have something to say back. And because I am also curious about them as well, I ask them questions back. If there are no questions, somehow my mind can make a connection to another topic almost immediately. And we have fun with our conversations. It can be lighthearted or it can be a little serious. This sounds like just a normal conversation but trust me when I say I've never had this to this extent before.

My mind just needs to be able to react to something. Maybe I need to react to tne enthusiasm that another person radiates. Or maybe it's just plain chemistry. I'm not asking to have insane levels of chemistry with everyone. I just want enough conversational skills to be normal.

100 days to offload

What's Wrong With You?


When I told one of my relatives that I was still single, they looked at me bewildered and exclaimed, "What's wrong with you?"

I know exactly what is wrong with me. But this is still a ridiculous question! There is nothing wrong with people who are single. I don't blame people who are single, by choice or just by circumstances. I am a mix of both.

The idea of dating makes me hesitant. In some ways, I am way too self aware to start dating again. There is a lot that I've learned about myself from my past relationships and it isn't pretty. Yes, I crush and fall for people easily, but the thought of actually being in a romantic relationship turns me cold. I'm just not confident I could avoid repeating my same mistakes (cue Julia Jacklin's Turn Me Down), despite having gone to therapy and continually working on my flaws. Dealing with your own baggage can be quite a lot. It plants seeds of doubt in my head of whether or not I'm even cut out for a relationship in general.

And those are just me problems. Trying to find someone in the first place gives me anxiety. I think most people my age (post-college age but like never-been-married age) use dating apps and that is not how I work. Granted, I've never used a dating app to get a date. I have used Bumble to go on friend dates, though. It was easy enough to setup a profile with minimal effort and I got matches well enough. Still, all of my matches went nowhere. Lack of chemistry, flakiness, ghosting, you've probably heard it all by now. In the end, it's just a numbers game. But I don't want it to be a game. I'm too much of a romantic. I want a meet cute. I want to get to know someone slowly over time. With a lack of places to organically meet people (other than like, work), it can be hard to foster relationships in a more personal way.

I'm not trying disparage the usage of dating apps. I know a lot of long term couples who have met on dating apps (okay, two, but that's like a solid 40% of my sample size) so it's definitely possible. It's just whether or not I want to go through the grind of it all. Because from what I hear (and have experienced from the platonic version), it is a grind.

But when I think a little more practically about finding a partner, it's not enough to leave it to chance. There's just so many things you need to think about. When I was younger, it was okay to date someone just because I liked them. I never stopped to think things like, "Would this person be compatible with my friends? My family (especially important because I'm living in a very white country as a POC)? My lifestyle? My values? My cat?" Now that I have a few relationships under my belt, those are things that concern me. Maybe you do need something like a dating app to be able to quickly filter people who don't fit the criteria. Of course, a dating profile is not a tell all about a person, but it could give enough hints about where they stand on things.

The most damning thing though, is that I don't know if I even have room in my life right now for dating. It's kinda funny to say that as someone who stays at home 99% of the time. Ever since I moved back home (who wants to date a 29 year old still living at home?), I don't like the idea of dating in my current environment. Lately, I have been focused on my parents, especially as they are aging and becoming frailer by the year. I've become the breadwinner in my family and picking up more responsibilities from them. I've also been having health issues that I'm currently trying to resolve. Additionally, I'm going back to school which sucks up a lot of my time. And since becoming single (four years ago) I realized that I have hobbies (!!). Hobbies are something that always seems to fall by the wayside whenever I get into relationships. Frankly, I've just been enjoying the time I have to myself.

There isn't anything wrong with any of the reasons above for my singleness. I think a lot of my relatives have different ideas of how someone should live life and that just doesn't align with their ideals. I enjoy being single. I can have crushes without expectations of anything and just enjoy flirting for the sake of it. Yes, I get wistful from time to time, but it's just not a priority for me at the moment. Maybe it will happen, maybe it won't. I'm just taking each day as it comes.

100 days to offload

2023 with Hobonichi


Picture heavy with no alt text. Mentions of dieting.


2023 was my 3rd year with Hobonichi. I changed up what I did a lot and there was a lot of trial and error. This year I had five books:

  • Weeks Mega for all my planning needs
  • Weeks for work
  • A5 Cousin Avec for notes/journaling
  • A6 5 Year Techo for memory keeping (this year was year 3 out of 5)
  • A6 HON was originally for generic journaling but turned into a reading journal

Weeks Mega

This was my second year with the Weeks. I use it for planning, despite not always following my plans. I just love the form factor of the Weeks. It's compact and easy to bring with me places. I spent the most time in it.

Yearly Index


I used these two pages for tracking my mood and my weight. I steadily lost weight at around 2lb per month. I did loose a bunch of weight in the beginning of December due to being sick. I managed to gain it all back by the end of the year, though. My goal weight is 105lb and my vanity goal weight is 100lb. I am 5' (I think, I don't really know) so being a low weight is still healthy for me. There was a moment in July and August where I didn't track my weight and that was because I was in Japan and the Philippines during this time. I also stopped with mood tracking near the end of the year. I wasn't sure how helpful this was for me and I haven't done it at all this year (2024) either.

Monthly Pages


I have the hardest time utilizing monthly pages in any planner. I find it usually contains duplicate information and I hardly ever look at them. That being said, this was my favourite monthly spread. Deadlines. Tasks. Events. Very fun to make but not very useful.

Weekly Pages

The meat of the book. My layouts varied a lot. The usefulness also varied a lot. I always find that I am good at keeping up with it at the beginning of the week but as the week goes on, my resolve diminishes. Here are some of my favourite spreads from the year.


Cat sticker is from kisse.cat. Washi is a WonderPens and TheCoffeeMonsterzCo collab.


I literally don't remember where half of these stickers and washi come from lol.


Vanilla but functional.


Not every week has to be serious. This was a seriously SHINee (one of my favourite K-pop groups) week.


I enjoyed making these bar graphs but they were blank all week until I had all the numbers. Kinda bothered me.


I bought a portable printer in the latter half of the year and started printing out inspiration photos for myself. I don't know if they helped any but it certainly made things look prettier.

Notes Pages

I get a Mega because 80 pages of note pages is not enough for me. But 200 pages is too much. I end up using the extra for random things even when the year is over.


I tried to make an index of all my pages. I don't think it was too helpful. There were some pages that I did look at the index for (mostly the astrology page) but maybe I could have just added a page marker so I could have easily referenced it.


The first half of the year I really tried to keep track of my reading. But after my Japan/Philippines trip I really lost my resolve...


I also tried to keep track of exercising. It was not fruitful because I didn't exercise that much.


I kept track of reading progress. This was really fun to do and I kept up with it fairly well. It kinda sucked when I gave up on certain books but eh. Not every book is a keeper.


A sample of a "daily" page. I like to plan out my day with an hourly schedule.


I don't use a lot of stickers or washi at all so all my notebooks stay pretty slim by the end of the year. But I do like seeing the contrast between the used pages vs the untouched pages with my Weeks.

Weeks (Regular)

I didn't take any pictures of this because my Weeks for work was a mess. Literally. I just used the multi-pen that comes with Hobonichi orders. I scribbled notes hastily during meetings. No pretty spreads. Terrible handwriting. I don't know if it worked for me. I think I will try to be a little bit more mindful in 2024.

A5 Cousin Avec

I have no idea why I bought the Avec Cousin this year. The Avec is split into two books, January to June in one book and July to December in the other book. I know my reasoning at the time was that I went back to school last year and I wanted to split it between "before school starts" and "after school starts." But honestly, it could have all just gone into one book. This year I stuck with the regular Cousin.

Weekly Pages

These stayed largely unused. I tried a lot of different things. Putting my tarot card pulls here. Actually scheduling things in. Using it as a memory keeper. But I just kept forgetting this section existed. I think I would use it a lot more if the weeks pages were spread throughout the journal instead of being it's own dedicated section.

Monthly Pages

Again, I am so bad at using monthly pages. I think the below picture is the only time I actually used it.


Daily Pages

The first half of the year, I used it for note keeping. Which wasn't the greatest idea because it kinda defeated the purpose of dated pages since some days went over one page. And I wasn't even starting school yet so why did I use it for notes?? I know better now.

In the second half of the year I tried to use it for more traditional journalling. That didn't really pan out either. Towards the end of the year I used it more for tarot card pulls, astrological transits, and affirmations.


Astrology notes from when I was in a astrolgy book club on Discord.


Notes about The Great Gatsby.


One of my more aesthetic pages.


Some planning for my Japan trip. I was learning Japanese too (I didn't use a lick of it other than "thank you" and "sorry" and "excuse me").


I used this layout quite a lot. Time blocking. Astro transits. Gratitude. Tarot card pull. Random notes.


Maybe it's just the Capricorn in me but this was my favourite spread. Simple. Bold. Black and white. I meditated on affirmations a little bit more seriously.

A6 5 Year Techo

I really regret not getting a 5 Year Techo in 2020. It would have been great in hindsight. But I got one for 2021 instead. It's very personal so I didn't take any pictures of it. I get pretty granular with it, despite it being so small. I try to write as much about my day as possible. Very little reflection is done in here. On the right pages I write down my top 5 most listened to songs. I'm not always consistent with it. Turns out, June, July, and October are the months where I do the least journalling (Cancer, Leo, and Virgo season? I wonder if there is an astrological reason).


I bought this on a whim because it was shiny and new. I have no idea how it compared to the A6 Hobonichi Original but it feels like the same? Except for the cover maybe?

Early on in the year I tried to use it for journalling. But it kinda felt like I was duplicating what I was writing in my 5 Year. I am very wary about writing down my feelings in a book due to trauma over my parents reading my journals. So I transitioned from journalling to doing what I am now doing in my cousin, AKA tracking transits and card pulls. But September onwards I used it as a book journal. I would write down what books I read, how many pages, and what I thought about the book. If there was a day I didn't read anything, I would write a review of a book I had already read. It was fun and I'm keeping it up in 2024.

Yearly Calendar


Used it to keep track of when I read. I was able to extrapolate pre-September dates by looking at my 5 year entries. Not super accurate as I may have missed a date. I also made a mistake. All the x's are wrong. The source of truth are the highlighted dates.

Yearly Index


I recorded my tarot card pulls here. But starting in October (as you will see in the next picture), I transitioned to keeping track of how many pages I read.


I read A LOT of manga/graphic novels so I separated the pages between regular books and manga/graphic novels.

Monthly Pages

Okay, I actually liked what I did here. I wrote down what book I read each day. If I didn't read, I just covered it with washi. A good excuse to use washi!


Daily Pages


An example of some journalling pages. Very boring with a splash of washi.


One of my favourite pages. It's a little thick so sometimes it would just open automatically to this page. Very little written on it but it's so pretty.


An example of two book review pages. I didn't write too much.


Example of how some of my daily reading pages. Can range from huge text block to just one sentence.


Most of this post is just me showing off pictures. Yes, they're a little hard to read but it's on purpose. I experimented a lot this year. I think I will continue to experiment again this year. I'm never really fully satisfied with one way of doing things and there is always something that could be improved. In another post I'll detail how I'll use my books in 2024.

100 days to offload

When It Becomes Real


I want to meet you

But let's not meet

I don't think I could stand to be in the same space as you

Breathe the same air as you

Look at the same things as you

Hear the same things as you

I'd rather run away

Take a last minute vacation

Call in sick

Break my own leg

Turn around the moment I hear your voice down the corridor

But I think I would try sneak glances every now and then

Take a peek around the corner

Keep one earbud in so the other could pick up your voice

I want to meet you

I want to meet your gaze

and hold it

I don't want you to meet me

100 days to offload

2023 with Last.fm


If you're not familiar with what Last.fm is, it is basically a website that keeps track of the songs you listen to. I've been scrobbling (their term, not mine) tracks since 2011. I have a lot of data with them (a privacy nightmare) and I don't care because I love the stats!!!

Right off the bat, Last.fm is always more accurate than Spotify. I don't listen to music just on Spotify. I have a local library that I listen to as well and Spotify doesn't keep track of that. With their yearly summary, Last.fm also includes listening in November and December, which Spotify doesn't. Yes, the Spotify-Last.fm connection can be spotty so it is not 100% but I think it all cancels out.

Last.fm switched things up this year and finally implemented a year end summary that's more similar to Spotify Wrapped. Every year I eagerly await the stats but this year I was so curious about how Last.fm would implement it this time around.

Let's dive into it.

The Playback


I have listened to 3,339 artists this year. I'm not sure if that's a lot? Is it? I have no idea what the typical number of artists a person listens to in a year.

Admittedly, the bar graph is a little confusing to me. Each bar represents the number of artists that I listened to each week. But is it unique artists across each week? For example, if I listen to Green Day in Week 10, are they also counted when I listen to them on Week 22? My gut feeling is no.

The lowest point in this graph is around the July-August range. This makes sense to me because I was travelling overseas. I couldn't listen to as much music because I was too busy being a tourist and I didn't come across wi-fi too often. I did download a few Spotify playlists but the selection was pretty limited.


I listened to 5,831 albums this year. Again, is this a lot? I don't really know!


I listened to 9,316 tracks this year. I kinda want to try to hit 10,000 next year. Solely because 9,300 is "only" 700 tracks away from 10,000. It can kinda get dangerous how Last.fm manipulates how I listen to music.


I listened to songs 40,424 times this year. Admittedly, sometimes I play music when I'm sleeping. But I tried really hard to clean up those scrobbles in the latter half of the year. I can't speak for the beginning of the year, though.


This year I listened to 109 days and 3 hours of music. Nice. That's almost 1/3 of the year. Checks out, honestly. I am a music fiend.

I liked what Last.fm did. The graphic is a little simplistic but it was animated and everything. Very cute.


109 days and 3 hours of music translates to 1746 cassette tapes. Have kids these days even seen a cassette tape in real life? This was a cute tidbit but it's hard to visualize. Maybe CDs would land with my generation better. Or go a bit more universal and use vinyls instead, since those have made a comeback.


If I needed to commute to moon 34 times, I have a very long playlist I could listen to on my way there and back. This is a cool stat! Apparently it would take less than 80 hours to travel to the moon. I'd probably be sleeping for most of that, hah.


I am the top 55th listener of the band Protest the Hero. I'm surprised I didn't rank higher for anyone else. But I will take it. I saw Protest the Hero in concert this year and it was a lot of fun. I fell in love with their discography all over again this year.


Okay... I'm only the top 10th listener of Volition??? I swear I played this album so many times. I need to know who the other 9 top listeners are. Volition is such a good album. I think Palimpsest is a more consistent album (as in, it's a no-skip album) but Volition have a lot of tracks with great replayability. So it's the best of both worlds: a strong album start to finish (it does have its weak tracks) and has songs that I can play over and over.


I am the top listener of 沒有人想念沒離開的人 by William Wei!! He really surprised me with this track. Typically he releases a lot of ballads. This song was... Not a ballad. It was way more groovy than I expect from Mr. Wei but more than anything, it had an ethereal quality to it. It felt tender but also a little forlorn at the same time. Outstanding track from William Wei.


My top tags this year were K-pop, Japanese, indie, rock, indie rock, J-pop, and J-rock. K-pop being my top genre was a little surprising to me... I think the other genres balance it out, though. I definitely think I do listen to too much K-pop. There's just so much more music out there!! This year I'm trying to listen to less K-pop.


This is a really cool graphic. So it kinda documents when I listen to music. A flat line means no music at all. And you can see dead times (aka sleeping hours) in the graph. Kinda looks like a mountain range that is drawn by a polygraph machine.


My top artist is TAEMIN with 2196 scrobbles. I'm a little surprised by the lack of scrobbles in January and February. Apparently I listened to a lot of Protest the Hero and Coheed and Cambria during that time frame. I think with the news of Taemin coming back from the military spurred on the listening in March/April.


My top artists this year were TAEMIN, NewJeans, Coheed and Cambria, and Protest the Hero. This bubble graph isn't the greatest. The smaller circles don't have any text and you need to hover over it to see the names. Not the greatest for wanting to share it with others (aka you, dear reader).


To the surprise of no one, my top album this year is NewJeans's Get Up with 589 scrobbles. It's impressive how it came out halfway through the year and managed to rocket up the charts. This album is good. It's a shame how short it is but I will take brevity if it means quality.


I love album collages... I blame /r/lastfm. Here are my top 25 albums of 2023.

  1. Get Up by NewJeans
  2. Medisina by zild: zild's latest album is really good. I don't really know how to describe his music. It's definitely not hard rock. Very mellow. Lots of songs about love. Typical Filipinos and their love songs. But zild makes it more modern and cool.
  3. Ditto by NewJeans: Song. Of. The. Year. That is all.
  4. Volition by Protest the Hero
  5. KAI - The 1st Mini Album by Kai: I love this album so much. It is quality from start to finish. Sometimes I just have an urge to play it front to back and I never regret it. I am seriously shocked by it's staying power.
  6. BB/ANG3L by Tinashe: This was a nice discovery this year. Her songs on this album really speaks to my Scorpio Venus. I love her drum and bass tracks. I think drum and bass is one of my favourite things now. Something about it just taps into my body. You know you have a good album when you manage to make my body groovy, my mouth sing, and my heart ache.
  7. Never Gonna Dance Again Act 1 by TAEMIN: I have gushed about this album a lot in the past. While I have definitely not outgrown it yet whatsoever, it's a little tiresome for me to keep singing its praise. Just trust me when I say it's good.
  8. Gasoline by Key: Gasoline. Is. So. Good. The first half of the album is a no skip for me. I love the b-sides on this album. It's funny, I think the title track is actually one of my least favourite tracks. Maybe it's just because I listen to it so much. But I can listen to Bound and Villain all day, everyday.
  9. FAMOUS by TAEMIN: Famous is one of Taemin's best songs with the best choreo. The b-sides on this album are also pretty good. Taemin's b-sides are usually hit or miss for me but on this album, they are mostly hits.
  10. INVU by TAEYEON: I gotta admit, the title track INVU is still a banger.
  11. Guilty by TAEMIN: Okay. Guilty isn't my favourite release of Taemins. I listened to it a lot to try to figure out how I feel about it. It has grown on me a lot since its release. But... I don't know if any of the tracks crack my top 10 favourite Taemin tracks.
  12. the record by boygenius: I really don't remember listening to this album this much. I did listen a lot to the singles, that's probably why. The album itself is highly okay.
  13. Never Gonna Dance Again Act 2 by TAEMIN: See Act 1.
  14. Sad Songs and Bullshit Part 1 by Juan Karlos: Finally... A Juan Karlos album. This was a slow build up. I was mostly keeping up with the singles he release throughout the year. He definitely caught my attention with the track he did with zild. He even got Ben&Ben on a track (I'm not a big Ben&Ben fan, tbh). But the last (?) single, ERE, really spoke to me. The album itself is alright but ERE... ERE takes the cake.
  15. Lush by Snail Mail: I don't know why Lush suddenly made a comeback after not listening to it as much in 2022. Maybe I was feeling particularly sad this year, hah. But seriously, Lush is phenomenal. A no skip album. I can sing along to every single track. Well deserved.
  16. Palimpsest by Protest the Hero: I mentioned Palimpsest earlier. This is an album you gotta listen to front to back in one go, which is something I did a lot. There are a few songs here and there with good replayability but this is full album listen.
  17. 明天再見 by William Wei: Mostly listened to two tracks from this album. The rest of the songs were decent. But not really my thing.
  18. HARD by SHINee: I admit... I don't really like this album that much. It did grow on me, though. I just did the typical k-pop fan thing where I tried to stream it as much as I could.
  19. going...going...gone! by Hemlocke Springs: Discovered her in 2022 technically but she released sooooo many bangers in 2023. One of my favourite discoveries. The album itself isn't a no-skip, unfortunately, but it's still very good! A solid debut release.
  20. Soft Spot by JMSN: This one caught me off guard. I'm not a big R&B person but JMSN really landed it with this album. The right amount of weird, heartfelt, and bop all rolled up into one.
  21. This Land is Inhospitable and So Are We by Mitski: This one took a few listens for me to really get. The first listen was positive. It was a good listen. But nothing really stood out to me. After carefully paying attention to each song, I discovered that every single track was amazing on their own. Mitski does it again.
  22. PHALARIS by DIR EN GREY: Okay I'm a little surprised about this one. This must have been from the first half of the year. PHALARIS was a great release from DIR EN GREY.
  23. WANT by TAEMIN: Taemin really is eating up the charts in 2023. I think WANT is my favourite Taemin title track. It's just so... Crunchy. The beat is too good. It's so avante garde. And in terms of b-sides, I think Want has the best Taemin b-sides. Artist Groove is perfection. Never Forever and Truth are good slow tracks that don't fully go into ballad territory. Shadow is also hauntingly cool. Taemin's best mini album.
  24. FOREVER 1 by SNSD: I really don't know how this one snuck in. There are maybe 3 tracks I like off of this album. But I really did listen to them quite a lot. I've never been a huge SNSD fan but I still have tender feelings for them. They're one of the OGs.
  25. Priscilla by JMSN: Soft Spot made me revisit the only other JMSN album I know. I discovered a few more tracks from it that I liked, other than the two singles. It's kinda wild how young JMSN sounds in this album. It was released almost 12 years ago, after all.




My top 5 tracks of 2023:

  1. Ditto by NewJeans
  2. Cool With You by NewJeans: I fell in love with this track immediately. It gives me high fashion catwalk vibes. It makes me want to fall in love.
  4. **沒有人想念沒離開的人 by William Wei***
  5. Moshi Moshi by EMI MARIA: This song is a leftover from last year. It's just that good. The not-so-subtle longing in the song is addictive.


The Playback is different from the Last.Year. It's in a different format, more web page than scrollable phone experience. A lot of the information is repeated but there are some differences.


For example, the total scrobbles gives a month by month breakdown instead and also compares it to last year. I think I prefer this view over the Playback view.


I like how this section also shows the top new artist. For me, that was boygenius this year. My library was also 49% new artists. Aiming for 50% next year!


Top new album is Get Up. Of course. Also have 61% new albums this year. 2020s just has a lot of good music, okay.


Top new track is Cool With You. Another non-surprise. With 58% new tracks. As I said earlier, I'm going to try to aim for 10k unique tracks this year.


What a fitting song to start off the year. The first song I scrobbled in 2023 was White Feathers by L'Arc~en~Ciel. A really pretty song and off of my favourite L'Arc~en~Ciel album, too.


A heat map of all my scrobbles every day. December and April were pretty consistent. April was consistent I think because of Taemin's military discharge. December because I was feeling particularly down and music comforts me.


I didn't take a screenshot of all my ratios but here they are in list form:

  • Around 12.11 scrobbles per artist over 3.3k artists
  • Around 6.93 scrobbles per album over 5.8k albums
  • Around 4.34 scrobbles per track over 9.3k tracks

My ratios are about what I expect. I listen to a lot of playlists in order to discover new artists. Some artists/albums/tracks I listen to once and never again. Which balances out how obsessive I can get with certain artists/albums/tracks.


A less aesthetic but still aesthetic version of the mountain range. This is a circular bar graph that shows my peak listening times. Apparently that's 11am, hah.


I once ran Pudding's roast-my-Spotify tool and they said I don't listen to enough music released before 2019. It's true. My music taste is solidly in the 2020's, apparently. I should branch out and listen to more classics. But so many people are releasing super cool music nowadays.


My mainstream score is 58%. My most obscure artist is Ueda Tatsuya, apparently?? I think that makes sense because most of the songs I have from him in my library are bootlegs, lol.

Well, at least I'm consistent. Last year I was 58% as well. I want to be obscure, though. We'll give it a shot but my taste is honestly so basic, even though I talk like I have sophisticated taste.


One of my favourite pro features is the leaderboard. I don't bother competing with some of my friends on Last.fm. Some of them are truly power users.

This year I ranked 7th in terms of number of tracks scrobbled. I think my summer months contributed to my fall in rank.


I rank 14th. I have no idea how the top person on my leaderboard managed to listen to 99% new artists. That's awesome. It would be nice to hit 50% this year.


I love stats!! Last.fm is weird because the stats do kinda influence how I listen to music. It makes me want to discover more and go out of my comfort zone. I don't think that's a bad thing. I'm both hard and easy to please. I love finding new music and discovering new tracks. I feel weird when I get into listening ruts. So trying out different music is something I do naturally anyway.

Here's to another year of listening. Can't wait for NewJeans to come out with the next song of the year.