Week #1: December 12-18 2022


Hello World!

I just created this website over the weekend. There were many technical hurdles I had to go through. There were some common culprits like bad ports, bad proxies, and missing SSL and there were some more software specific hurdles (if you ever have the choice of using Staticman, stay far away from it as possible). I still managed to get it in the end, which is all that matters!

110 Years of Reading

My local library is holding a reading challenge to celebrate 110 years of the library being established. It uses an app called Beanstack (which I grudgingly downloaded onto my phone) to track hours. I even went to the library on Saturday in order to grab a free scratch card (and take out some books), so I can track each hour. Do you think I can read for 110 hours from now until the end of February? We shall seeā€¦