Week #15 - Sep 16 to Sep 22 2024


A lot of warnings this week. Violence, gore, SA, pet death, food mentions, alcohol mentions, etc. Most of it in the context of media that I consumed.
  • 📚 Finished reading a graphic novel memoir, Fetch: How a Bad Dog Brought Me Home. I need to put pet memoirs on my reading blacklist. This made me cry and rush over to hug my cat. The art style took some getting used to, it's not super polished. It had a DIY-zine feel to it, so I was not surprised when the artist mentioned her zine-making teen days.
  • 📚 I read yet another graphic novel A Righteous Thirst for Vengeance, which is a rather violent and gory journey in revenge against a mobster in charge of a sex trafficking ring led by a man who suspiciously looks like Donald Trump. It was alright. The gory bits made me squirm a bit. I can't take blood.
  • 💿 A band that I like, The Voidz came out with a new album. I was really hyped for this one but it kinda fell flat for me. Disappointing, but not every release will be a hit. After listening to it a few more times, I see it in a better light but still feel like I want something more from it.
  • 📜 ModPo had us read some Ezra Pound. The only thing I knew about Pound beforehand was that he was a fascist who supported Mussolini, so I was surprised that some of my favourite this week were authored by him. They are really lean poems but they say so much. These two poems in particular feel so delicate, both in content and in form.
  • 📜 Another poet we read quite a bit of this week was William Carlos Williams. I very much appreciate how Williams can take simple, mundane, and even broken images and then celebrate them. In an aesthetic sense, I can't say that Williams tickles the pleasure sections of my brain like Pound does.
  • 🎉 Partied hard over the weekend. My dad's birthday party was on Saturday. Ate a toooon of food. A lot of the men got super wasted, hah. On Sunday, it was my it was a family friend's 25th wedding anniversary. I was the flower girl for their wedding. Time flies! We went to a Chinese buffet and ate even more!
  • 🎥 On Saturday, my brother and I watched Smile (2022). It was definitely... A movie. I'm not one for horror, I really dislike jump scares. I got jump scared a few times. The premise seemed pretty interesting but the ending was so unsatisfying. There were a couple of moments that were surprisingly just corny and made us burst out laughing when it was definitely supposed to be a serious moment. 6 out of 10 movie.